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Is Managed WordPress Hosting for You?

What is Managed WordPress Hosting?

A Managed WordPress Hosting Service supplies optimized web servers to host your WordPress site. The server is set up for efficiency, security, and speed and adheres to or exceeds WordPress’s minimum performance standards. As of April 2022, the service must supply at least PHP 7.4, MySQL 5.7 or MariaDB 10.2 and HTTPS. WordPress recommends Apache or Nginx as the best featured and most robust web server for your WordPress website.

Pros of Using a Managed WordPress Hosting Service

  • Creating a website on an unmanaged server is complicated for people without the experience needed and can lead to days or weeks of struggling to learn how to control and manage everything. A Managed WordPress Hosting provider will set up almost everything so the client can simply point their domain name at the new website.
  • If you already have a WordPress website most Managed Hosting Services will provide a migration service that is often free of charge.
  • Technical issues are overseen by the WordPress Managed Hosting Service leaving more time for you to perfect the look and feel of your website or even run several versions of your site targeting various audiences.
  • Your managed website will have been optimized for performance and speed leading to higher rankings in search engines and better engagement by your visitors.
  • Most WordPress Managed Hosting providers will allow you to scale your website with ease. As your website receives more visitors you will have the ability to alter your hosting plan to maintain your website’s performance.


Cons of Using a Managed WordPress Hosting Service

  • The service is relatively expensive compared to unmanaged WordPress hosting. There can be extra charges depending on how much traffic your website receives or how much bandwidth is used.
  • With Managed WordPress Hosting you can only build your website with WordPress while using a VPS, or a Dedicated Server will allow you to use any CMS (Content Management System) you wish such as Joomla or Drupal.
  • Some Managed WordPress Hosting services limit or ban the use of plugins with your website. There may be a limited number of approved plugins that you can use or even a list of approved themes allowed.
  • There may be limitations on accessing the files your website uses or a complete ban on directly editing the WordPress database.

Choosing a Managed WordPress Hosting service may be one of the best decisions you will make with the convenience of everything being organized and available in one place. You won’t have to coordinate between different service providers or fight with confusing setup options and you can concentrate on creating the best website that you can.