Using the Advanced Settings in Bunny CDN Plugin on WordPress CMS

In an earlier article, we showed you how to set up a simple CDN using and the WordPress Bunny CDN plugin. Now we will cover the various advanced options contained within the plugin’s settings.

Select from your WordPress sidebar menu and you should see the following screen if you have only been using the Bunny CDN simple settings page.

Bunny CDN Simple Plugin Settings Page

Click on “Switch to Advanced View” to enable the advanced settings page. It should look like the image below: -

Bunny CDN Advanced Plugin Settings Page
  • CDN Domain Name – This is the domain name you created when you initially set up your CDN in your Bunny account. If you gave your Pull Zone the name “Jack” then the Pull Zone name would look something like
  • Site URL – This is the full site URL of the website you wish to accelerate with the CDN e.g.,
  • Excluded – By default .php files are excluded from being pulled by the CDN. You may wish other files to be excluded such as .tmp Just add them to the list using a comma to separate each file type. E.g., .php,.tmp,.txt
  • Included Directories – The Bunny plugin defaults to looking for files in the wp-content and wp-includes directories. If you need to you can add other directories to these again using a comma to separate each one.
  • API Key – If you head over to and log in to your account you will find your API key in the Account Settings page. Enter this key here to allow the Bunny CDN plugin to purge your CDN when necessary.
  • Disable CDN for Admin User – You should check this box, so the CDN does not interfere with your website while you are logged in as Admin and making changes.

Once you have filled in all the boxes you should use the button at the bottom of the form to Enable and clear the cache for good measure.

If you are interested in trying Bunny CDN then click on the banner below to start your 14-day free trial. Any links to Bunny CDN in this article are affiliate links and may earn us a small credit towards Bunny CDN services. Feel free to bypass these links if you wish and type directly into your browser.

Bunny CDN Banner